Pow Wows

47th Annual CSU Puvungna Pow Wow & Outreach - March 11-12, 2017

affCalifornia State University, Long Beach’s annual Pow Wow, an American Indian social celebration, returns to the campus’ central quad on Saturday and Sunday, March 11 - 12, 2017. The largest spring event of its kind in Southern California, the Pow Wow at Cal State Long Beach is focused on displaying the university’s strong American Indian presence. Admission and parking are free. We strongly recommend spectators to bring folding chairs.

The two-day event, which will feature American Indian dancing, arts, crafts and food begins at 11 AM each day and runs until 10 PM on Saturday and 7 PM on Sunday. In addition to contests and inter-tribal dancing, there will be Gourd dancing with Dancer Registration closing at 2 PM on Saturday, March 11. All dancers and drums are invited.

Native foods such as mutton and beef stew, Navajo tacos, fry bread and Indian burgers will be on sale at the event, and American Indian vendors will be selling both traditional and contemporary American Indian art.


On Sunday, March 12 from 10 am to noon, we will be hosting an Outreach event at the Hall of Science building. The Outreach is geared to prospective CSULB applicants and their families. You will learn about CSULB high school and transfer admission processes and student-support programs, take a tour, and get information on how to pay for college. More information and a link to register will come shortly..

For more information about the CSULB Pow Wow or Outreach, contact Anna Nazarian-Peters (562) 985-8528 or e-mail Anna Nazarian-Peters.

A campus map and directions can be found at www.csulb.edu/map

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