Kumeyaay History
Kumeyaay.com has compiled the most comprehensive study of the Kumeyaay people, their history and culture to date - and this is only the beginning.
Timeline - Follow the Kumeyaay history, from creation to present day.
Articles - Read Kumeyaay articles and editorials to learn more about the Kumeyaay way of life. You are encouraged to participate by adding stories, articles, and editorials to the Kumeyaay.com site.
This way, the Kumeyaay have the chance to tell their story in their own words.
Linguistics - A study of the Kumeyaay language by Margaret Langdon, a respected expert on native languages.
- the Kumeyaay know how to play. Read how the game of Peone is played!
Religion & Legends - From Creation to "Stories of Why" - a collection of our stories, as told by Kumeyaay elders.
Virtual Museum - See the art and artifacts left behind by our Ancestors, available on virtual display, courtesy of the Barona Museum. [coming soon]