Thanks for taking my call! Here's what you can forward to your email database/tribe office. Again, I am involved with a brand new casting, and unfortunately under a tight deadline, and we are looking for Native American Outdoorsmen. We are looking to shoot this Monday and Tuesday. I would love your help either getting the word out amongst the Native American community, or if you know anyone personally that wants to submit to be our host! Please see more info below and let me know. I can also be reached at 213 674 8797. This is through This Is Just A Test production company. Thank you!
NOW CASTING: Now seeking males of Native American background to become hosts of a new and exciting docu-project for a major and well-respected cable channel.
We are looking for one Native American elder who can speak with authority and authenticity about the Native American culture, and two able-bodied Native American men to demonstrate and teach various Native skills.
The hosts will teach non-natives (contestants) various tribal survival skills and the meaning behind these skills, as the non-natives compete between them to master the skills and win challenges.
The purpose of series: to respectfully honor the Native american extraordinary heritage and accomplishments while securing their skills for the next generation. The series will celebrate Native American history, and is meant to teach the modern world that it still has a lot to learn from Native traditions.