Protecting Our Children National American Indian Conference on Child Abuse and Neglect
When: April 2-5, 2017
Where: San Diego, CA: Harrah's Resort Southern California
Event URL:
Event Overview:
The conference will hold more than 60 workshops with four programming tracks:
- Child Welfare, Foster Care, and Adoption Services: Workshops will support improvements in child welfare, foster care, and adoption services as well as the skills of program staff and educators.
- Children's Mental Health: Learn how to support and nurture families dealing with Fetal Alcohol Syndrome and empower young people using new community engagement techniques. Learn about Systems of Care, how to address the difficult topic of youth suicide, and what can be done to change the future for young people to bring promising results. Incarceration is a common result of historical trauma; explore new techniques for culturally appropriate services, including traditional healing and other ways to heal our children, families, and communities.
- Judicial and Legal Affairs: Workshops will discuss effective legal practice on behalf of AI/AN children and families, programmatic challenges to implementing federal policies, tribal code development, innovative tribal court practices, intergovernmental agreements, and how effective collaboration can lead to meaningful systems change.
- Youth and Family Involvement: Learn to engage and empower youth and families involved with systems using a strengths based perspective.
Conference attendees are a cross-section of experts including child welfare, mental health, and juvenile justice service providers; legal professionals; students; advocates for children; and tribal and federal leaders.
Contact Information:
Sara Wittman
503-222-4044 Ext. 124